The following requirements are necessary for permanent resident visa application.
If you have a Work Visa,
1. Is your visa length more than three years?
2. Can you find a guarantor who is a Japanese or permanent residence visa holder with income?
At the same time, he or she must have declared tax.
3. Have you lived in Japan for 10 years or more?
4. Have you been working for five years or more with work visa?
5. Is your stay outside of Japan for three months or more in one time ?
6. Is your stay outside of Japan for 150 days or more in total in a year?
7. Have you paid a pension premium?
If not, can you pay the premium now for the past one year?
(It is necessary to pay for the past three years if the Immigration requires.)
8. Is your annual salary more than three million yen?
9. Have your spouses or children worked over 28 hours a week under a part-time permission?
10. Is there no delay of payment of health insurance premium?
11. Do you have any background of overstay?
If you are married to a Japanese or a permanent resident,
1 Is your visa length more than three years?
2. Have you lived in Japan for three years or more?
※ If married abroad, have you lived in Japan for one year or
3. Do Japanese (husband) work?
4. Can your husband (wife) be an guarantor?
5. Is your stay outside of Japan for three months or more in one time ?
6. Is your stay outside of Japan for 150 days or more in total in a year?
7. Have you paid a pension premium?
8. Is your or your husband’s annual salary more than three million yen?
10. Is there no delay of payment of health insurance premium?
I would like to specifically mention about the Advanced Human Resource Visas. Please check the site for it.
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