Outline of New Point System of Immigration Law / 入管法新ポイントシステムの概要
Please download this PDF file to get official infomation on the New Point System.
Chart of New point system.pdf
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Introduction to the Point

System for “
Excellent Human



フェニックス・オフィス 行政書士菊地良夫

March 31, 2012

Phoenix Office

Visa, Labor and Social Security Attorney, Yoshio KIKUCHI








Please download "the PDF file released by the Immigration Bureau" on the top of this page to get the official information of the New Point System of Immigration Law.

Following statement is unofficial, so we cannot be responsible for it. Just use it for your reference.







B. 同居の配偶者が、時間に制限無く就労できる。(下記5参照)




E. 家事使用人を雇用できる場合がある。(下記9参照)






On May 7, 2012, new point system of Japanese Immigration Law will be introduced.

The outline of the merits of the Excellent Human Resources by the point system are as follows. (They are only outline, and are not so accurate with current limited information.)


A. New category of work visa (Broader than before) will be given. (See No. 4)

B. Spouse can work as long as she or he wants. (See No.5)

C. 4 years and 6 months is the required length of stay

    for permanent residency. (See No.7)

D. The parents may be able to stay in Japan in some cases.

    (See No.8)

E. They can employ domestic helper in some cases.

    (See No. 9)

1 現在、就労資格で在留中の者、及びこれから就労資格で入国する者(在留資格認定証明書を取得する者)に対して変更できる。


The residents with work visas, or the applicants of COE of work visas can apply for this Point System for Excellent Human Resources”. (PS-EHR)



2. 就労資格とは、人文知識・国際業務、技術、企業内転勤、投資経営等である。



The work visas are such as Specialist in Humanity/International Service, Engineer, Intercompany transferee, Investor/Manager visa and Student and so on. (Excluding Japanese spouse visa.)


3. 在留資格認定証明書を申請する際に、高度人材を希望する旨、申し出る。




We have to apply for this Point system at the same time of the application of COE if the applicant requires.

The COE will contain the information of the applicant’s Points and Designated Activities.


We can also change the resident’s visa status with a change application.


4. 指定活動は3種類

  ① 研究、教育、関連する事業の経営

  ② 自然科学、人文科学、関連する事業の経営

  ③ 営利法人、法律会計事務所の経営又は管理



The designated activities are as follows.


① Research, Education, related business management

Specialist in humanity/International service +

Engineer + Investor visa

③ Investor+Manager visa


5. 同居の配偶者に関しても、認定証明書申請の際、及び資格変更手続き




  ① 研究、教育

  ② 人文科学、自然科学(興行を除く)

  ③ 商品、事業の宣伝、放送番組、映画、写真の撮影、レコード等への録


The spouse of EHR can apply for following Designated Activities

at the time of application of COE or by change application.


① Research, Education

② Specialist in Humanity/International Service, Engineer,
Excluding Entertainer

③ Public relations, Broadcasting, Movie, Photograph, Recording on CD


6. 在留期間は5

The length of stay will be 5 years.


7. 永住まで46

The required length of stay to get permanent resident status is 4 years and 6 months. (Not 10 years)


8. 親の帯同(但し子が3歳まで)年収1000万円以上


The EHR can live with their parents.

(If their income is 10,000,000 yen or more, and his child is under 3 years old.)


9. 家事使用人の雇用



① The EHR with income of 15,000,000 or more can bring the Domestic helper along from the another country into Japan if he or she employed her for 1 year or more.

(The small child is not required in this case.)


The EHR with income of 15,000,000 or more can employ a Domestic helper if his/her child or children are under 13 years old. (12 years old or younger.)



10. 実施日は201257日である。


Effective date of this system is May 7, 2012.


11. ポイント計算の詳細は?


What is the detail of the Point calculation way?

Please download the PDF file at the top of this page.


